Sunday, July 1, 2012

xX~ Simple Quest: Enter Void ~Xx

So0o0o..Yes...Rumors are True...I have joined Enter VOID... and Nexus from Simple Quest will be my Character...My Profile is Complete and can be found here...but i have Not posted yet...I want to have at least 4 or 5 pages of an Intro Story Complete...Until then..Enjoy the first 2 out of 5...

Simple Quest: Enter VOID Pg. 1

Simple Quest: Enter VOID Pg. 2

Right Click and Open in a New Tab to See the Full Images

Till Next Time...Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

xX~ And Cuz'n Bin'ess is-a Boom-in ~Xx

So Got Some Business Cards done for me and my Best Friend. My Company is ScrapMetal Studioz and her's is Big Ring Studios. But Combined...we are Endless Dream Asylum. And her is our Logo

Here is Kira's Business Card

And here is My Business Card...Bitch's Love Business Cards..

Also...I've been Working on some Practice Scene's for Cosmic Hopscotch.


Scrapz: Whoa...Wai..What..Wait a Minute are You mad At me ?? I Just Died for You...LITERALLY

Tynka: Oh Really ?? Was That for me ??

Scrapz: If I Didn't push you out the w-

Tynka: Well Next Time Don't...I Dont Need You To Protect me

Scrapz: But I-

Tynka: I'm Not a Little Girl Scrapz..."

and Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart

Saturday, May 5, 2012

xX~ Live Drawing 1 ~Xx


Also...New Glitch-Kidz Comic #33

and Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart

Thursday, May 3, 2012

xX~ Thuuuursday's Glitch-K!dz ~Xx

Been listening to Alo0o0o0o0o0t of Rihanna...and Yea...

Add caption

#32 is up...See ya next Update...

and Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart

Saturday, April 28, 2012

xX~ Sexeh Roommates...No ?? Wee Wee ~Xx

Couple warm up pieces....still busting out commissions

1st up is for Ashley "Frankiee" Isom
A Character of Herself

2ndly..Bust out a quick little Scene with Trisha and Frankiee...good friends in real life...from knowing these two...I image there conversations would go thusly

Hmmm....Sexeh Roommates...No ?? Ah...Wee Wee...That just gave me an Idea...I should draw them having a Nekkid Pillow Fight...Females have Daily Nekkid Pillow Fights Right ??

Anyway...I That Note I'm off to Play some Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer...If you guys want to join me...My Gamertag is PinkScrapMetal...No Surprise there...Well I'm off..

and Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart

Monday, April 23, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

xX~ People Profiles and Comic Creation ~Xx

So0o0o0o its April...been pretty busy almost all of March...but now I'm gonna start updating regularly..well..try to at least..

As promised...Its April...meaning the beginning of Simple Quest. I haven't finished the Cover...but Page 1 and 2 are completed...Enjoy

Page. 1

And Page. 2

You can expect page 3 probably sometime next week =)

in between time. I've been working on Caricature and Commissions. check em out

1# For Stephanie Turner 
Mickey Mouse & Riley Freeman

#2 For Alexus Robinson 
A Character of Herself

#3 For Courtney Renee
A Broken Hearted Doll (Laydee Lilac)
Laydee Lilac is a Bit Old...just forgot to post her up =/

#4 For Trish Stevens
A Character of Herself

5# Not a Request..An Old Hotel Sketch
Kingsmen Sketch

And Lastly The Cover for 
Cosmic Hopscotch Volume 1: Junk Mail

Yes Yes Yes...Ladies..Please...Contain your Orgasms..
I'm so0o0o0o excited to finally show this...i have about 3 pages of it done as well..but..i'll upload those weekly..along with Simple Quest. busy busy busy..yes i be.

Anyway..Hope you guys and gals enjoyed this update...catch ya next week

and Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart

Thursday, March 1, 2012

xX~ Jan, Feb, March...Ing Band.. ~Xx


Good Lord..the time does fly. So i guess i should update right about now huh ??
As of late i've been working on character concept Art for Simple Quest. As i said previously, i plan on trying to have Volume 1 practically done by April and post it frequently, at this rate it seems like i'll be able to. but i dont really want to Jinx it ya know ??..

So..First up heres a few to tickle your fancy...

Firstly...Concept 4: Princess Kiedra. Like every good Adventure story there needs to be a princess who gets Captured...she is one of the 6 who do O_O

Concept 5: Denim and Nexus. I'm sure you Recognize the mint haired Girl. She is the one who Discovers our Hero Nexus unconscious on the beach through her Telescope. As you can see, which you will find out in the story, Denim gives Nexus her Headband to tie is Long hair up to show more of his face. The Headband is also a Keep sake. A Promise from Nexus that he will Return to Her.

Concept 6: Razeal...The Hero of Legend. For now i will keep Razeal and his background involvement with the story a surprise. Heres just a sneak peak of what he may look like. 

and Lastly for this quick update. Concept 7: Thoot The petite short tempered over protective Male Nanny of Princess Kiedra..and Murt'n The shy, skiddish traveling merchant of Gorbeshia.

Well..yea..thats what i've been working on...among 4 more other projects which are incomlete. this update is crap, but its mainly to prove i am alive and Yes..i will be updating. Next update i'll go more into Depth with REAL concept art as in Sketches and rough drafts I promise. but for now...stare at these and image what this weird world will be like...

and Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart

Thursday, February 16, 2012

xX~ Double Dammit a New Year, a New Start ~Xx

First and foremost before i start i would like to say...FUCK GOOGLE...for deleting my Youtube and Blogger...NO ONE ASKED ME PERMISSION TO SYNC THOSE ACCOUNTS IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!!!!!


Now...back to semi-proffesionalism. My Name is Tre' Lockhart...and I'd like to Welcome you to my Mind...Tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE...I.E. my Artblog ScrapMetal Studioz. Here at I will be updating viewers like you...or just me...on my Activities in the Art World such as Illustrations, Animations, Comics, Game Design, and any other projects I have created or involved with...also my opinions on certain media topics and gossip and this that and the third...Basically I'll be posting on my "Artblog"...Blogable worthy shit about Art and stuff......yea...anyway..Welcome...Shall we get started ??

Having Google Delete my old Artblog actually taught me something:

It taught me that the Joke was on Google because it wasn't Updated Frequently Anyway HAHAHAHA 1 point for the Slacker =D

but a point subtracted because of the very fact that i was slacking on updating =(

So now that has happen, and its a New year practically (only the middle of February). I Figured why not have a Fresh new Start. and the Above Image is a little something i whipped together to give you guys a preview of 4 out of the 7 projects i've been working on. A Will post up on here and DeviantArt until I have my own official website. 

So First off...The first "2" Cosmic Hopscotch.

Cosmic Hopscotch is a Manga I'm writing based around Fairy tales and Space Racism. The story centers around 3 main characters Scrapz the Half-Human Android (Right), Tynka the Succubus (Middle), and xE1-Tr3 the Navi-bot (Left). And their Bizarre adventures through space and the crazy Encounters with the Fairytale creatures that Inhabit their Galaxy. The Crew are part of an Under the Radar resistance Movement to fight against the Corruption of the Galactic Human Coalition, who feels that Humans are the Superior Race, and plan to Enslave all others. But this Comedic Sci-Fi Adventure has some Very..Dark..Twists..

Moving Right Along to "0" Simple Quest

Simple Quest is a short story I wrote for one reason. and that reason alone, was for it to be a practice comic, to help learn how to use my Cintiq12wx when i finally received it in the mail. However, the more i wrote and worked on Simple Quest, the more it manifested into a Much Larger project. Simple Quest unlike its title, is no Longer so Simple, and that is what i adore about this...what is now...a series. 

The First in the Series " Simple Quest: Chains of Twilight" revolves around a young hunter named Nexus, whom embarks on a journey to save his childhood friend from a Fallen Hero corrupted by an Evil Mask. But there are many Obstacles, Creatures and even Shading Inhabitants in the Land of Gorbeshia...One may not always be what they seem.  

And Moving right along into the "Who they seem" Category "1" is 8-Bit in the Morning
which stars a Real, not animated" Me

8-Bit in the Morning is a Web series created by my best friend Kira Pressley and Myself. The Show, while currently only on Youtube, is based around Video Games and tackles the issues "Players" go through everyday in this "Game Called Life". I play the Role of Player 2 while she is Player 1. We are College kids who work at dead end job and feel like we are stuck in our own life, because we are unsuccessful at becoming famous through our talents.

When Episode 1 and 2 are uploaded i'll post up a link on here...til' then enjoy this screenshot of Ep 1. 

And Finally the last "2" Pocket Chocolate

Because Simple Quest became such a...project i care about...Pocket Chocolate was created. i believe this will be a short story i can actually draw...fuck up on...and not really care. its a Practice story, while I Love the Cute'sy characters and bubbly world they roam. as harsh as it sounds, i wouldn't be as self conscious about putting it out in the world incomplete or not fully thought out. Melody the sheep girl, and all her friends may only be drawn until i feel my skills are well enough to tackle bigger and better projects.

Prime Example...that Fire looks like SHIT !!!!! i should be ashamed to call myself an Artist...But guess what..I'm Not...because this is only for practice...its not a big project...and more than likely will be Scrapped in the near future... +1 point for Tr3 

So0o0o0o0oo0o yea...thats it for Today...I don't really have a set schedule yet for when i will update again, since this is day one and i just threw *counts* 9 images at you to bask in. But Follow me on Twitter or add me on Facebook and it will be a guarantee you will get a Status about it...but if you don't like me enough to add me..its fine..thats ok..its kool..i understand...if thats the case and you like my art...hit up my DeviantArt...OR just bring Yo ass back here Monday and i'll have another update ready.

and Remember...
Life is a Joke...With No Punchline
~Tre' Lockhart