Sunday, April 7, 2013

xX~ Daily Doodle ~Xx

So there are these things called dailies. Or Daily'z as I call them. its an Artist challenge to draw one comic a day for a whole year. But there are rules.

Rulez of the Daily Sketch Book

1. The Sketchbook must be STRICTLY designated for short comics

2. All Comics need some sort of conclusion. NO TO BE CONTINUED's

3. No Character / Background / Etc. Sketching. ONLY Comics

4. Date EACH comic

5. If the Comic is late write LATE near the title / top of the page

6.  If you Skip / miss a day, draw a large "X" on the page.

7. Each Day gets it Own Page

Front Page for the comic itself the back of the page can be used to plan or thumbnail.
You do not need to plan your comic if you dont want to.

8. Comic MUST be inked

9. Comic MUST be in Inking stage in order to be late

Comics are late if the clock strikes 12am and you aren't finished.

So yea those are the rules...I started 3 last month...but then Life pretty much punched me in the face and I wasn't able to really get any done. Mainly because of school and work. But im going to try and get back on the ball...

Here are those said comics:

And here is My Daily for Today. Rules didn't say the Sketchbook couldn't be Digital =D

Well...See ya tomorrow =D
hopefully =o


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